The three biggest threats to mankind are nuclear war, mutated viruses, and climate change.
There is a mechanism in place to stop the nuclear war and it seems to be being followed by human beings to date. On the other hand, the whole world is affected today due to the lack of any competent mechanism to stop the global pandemic.
When it comes to climate change, the system does exist, but it doesn't seem to be doing well. After allotting carbon budget to the nations in Paris agreement, some of the leading nations are seen withdrawing from it. It is the responsibility of every nation to emit the least amount of carbon into the atmosphere, according to the carbon budget allotted to them but lowering carbon emission is curbing the growth and development of the industry. Because of which such plans exist only on paper.
In today's fierce competition, no nation will be able to harness its economy to cope with the global climate. That's what is happening. Developed nations are seen rejecting climate change itself. Now, this issue is viewed not only as an existential threat to mankind but it has now become an environment against the economy, and of course, the economy is going to win for a certain period but in the long run, the picture will be reversed and we will miss the opportunity to overturn the situation again, more than 600 living species have been completely extinct in the last 100 years due to human activity and at least 1 million species are on the verge of extinction today. This number is likely to increase in the next few years. The global temperature has been increased by 0.82. degree Celsius in the last 100 years, over time, the global temperature increase will be 1.5 degrees Celsius and human civilization will have to face unimaginable consequences.
The declining groundwater levels in some cities and the consequent water shortages are just the beginning. The melting of polar ice caps will have adverse effects on many levels, including rising sea levels that will submerge coastal cities and reintroducing viruses that have been buried under polar ice for millions of years, even from the time of dinosaurs. It is impossible to suppress a virus that is not known to mankind yet. Today we are experiencing it as a live example, if we do not learn something from it, then nature may not give us a chance to learn again 30 years later.
These conclusions are drawn after carefully studying the whether but are ignored by the common man because the effect is not immediately apparent at this moment and our systems are established in such a way that if it is not troubling in 'now moment' then become reluctant about it, why should I worry about the consequences which will affect after 30-50 years? You will be blamed for carrying such an attitude when your children and grandchildren will go through unbearable suffering caused by climate change.
The current generation has the moral responsibility to stop and reverse climate change if possible, the next generation may not have enough time to do it and the previous generation has not done enough.
So it will not work by turning a blind eye. There is no need for a report from any international organization to observe whether climate change is real or not. We are all experiencing changes in seasons. There are vivid examples of cities like Chennai and some cities in South Africa which suffered due to a decrease in groundwater, increasing hurricanes and the rate of virus mutations can't be ignored. No, but it seems that we have deliberately chosen to ignore it. The consequences will be felt by the next few generations and you will be responsible for it.
Each of us should study for ourselves and try to reduce our part of emissions of carbon or other harmful gases and substances, as well as implement more environmentally friendly things, such as planting trees. There are many simple and doable solutions available on the Internet today and on the websites of international organizations like the UN, everyone should take the initiative to examine how you can contribute. The small contribution of each of us can certainly bring positive results, no government or nation can fulfill this responsibility alone as the big responsibility of meeting our needs is on the national and local governments, so they may be hindered in making their best contribution. We should not pass this responsibility only to the government but we should try to make it our responsibility.
Find out for yourself what you can do without waiting for anyone to push you, your children and grandchildren will surely be thankful to you for contributing a share to reduce the speed of climate change.