Thursday 29 April 2021

Corona times- Way forward

The situation is out of hand and efforts seem to be falling short. Preventing this crisis by any government or administration alone is like catching the wind in a small net. If we want to stop this storm of Corona, we have to raise mountains. This mountain can be built only by ordinary people and no one else. Government systems are fragmented, it is not really possible to increase or advance that immediately, and we people should not spend time imagining and expecting that to happen in such a short time. This responsibility should be handled by both, we and the government. The government is just a guide, but in reality, you and I should move the sailes. Only then can the ship of the general public be saved from this boiling ocean of the Corona. There is no other option. The habit of assuming all the responsibility is of others and the government should be given up.

The speed with which health facilities are made available to the public cannot be compared to the rapid transmission of the corona.

Therefore, controlling the infection is the first priority and a BIG effort must be made before unimaginable harm can occur.

1. Emphasis should be placed on creating a contactless system for the continuity of essential goods and services. And its use should be made almost mandatory. The public should focus on how to make the most of such a system. Household goods and services should be provided in a contactless system like home deliveries. However, vaccination and frequent covid testing should be made mandatory for all workers and persons working in such systems.

2. Importance of local communication: Effective decisions made at the highest level are meaningless unless implemented by the last elements at the local level. Corona cannot be defeated without public participation. And it doesn't seem to be using social media as effectively as it should be. At the local level, police constables, junior administration officials, as well as social leaders should form WhatsApp groups to reach out to as many societies, mandals, pressure groups, social organizations, office bearers and the general public in their area through their mobile phones. In addition to sending important information, those who follow the rules should be appreciated and encouraged. The responsibility of following the rules should be distributed among the citizens because the most effective solution to this crisis is to distribute responsibility among the citizens. WhatsApp is an effective way to reach more people. Also, this WhatsApp group can help each other in times of emergencies.

3. Preventing the spread: The most important way of spreading this invisible enemy is through interaction, according to recent research, even if it is spread through the air, this spread can be largely prevented if people do not come in contact with each other. Even if the entire population joins in this single measure without any other solution, it can have a huge impact. But the more effective the solution, the more difficult it is. It is impossible to completely cut off contact with each other for a month. Due to the lack of maturity in the masses, the government seems to believe that this is possible only through the use of force, but the use of force is limited or the means of coping are difficult to achieve. Because we are more inclined to break than to follow discipline. Assume that this is to be done by using zero force and use innovative ways.

4. Vaccination: Immediate results can be obtained if vaccinations and tests are done at home. If the manpower of local-level social workers and politicians is used in this work, there will be no shortage of manpower but it should only be regulated by a government medical officer.

5. Everyone should strengthen themselves. Instead of leaving your health to the government and health institutions, focus on boosting your immune system. Instead of treating corona as a problem for a year or two, plan for how to keep your immune system healthy for more than 10 years without medication.

It is time for citizens to be aware and participate. Every citizen is an important soldier in this war.

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