Monday 27 April 2020

Self Awareness

It is needless to explain how does an animal will behave when put in front of a mirror. There are many such videos available on the internet today which depict the funny behavior of animals in front of a mirror. The only reason for this type of behavior is the lack of self-awareness.
Suppose, If you meet an unknown person named X and you found that X is your replica, that means, X's being, living, behavior, looks are the same as yours, in short, X is a complete reflection of yourself, just like seeing yourself in the mirror.
The question here is, would you be happy to meet your replica? Can you be impressed by someone like you, can you see him as an ideal person? Your answer may be yes or no.
To the people like me, person X may not be an ideal personality. How could this happen? Or do I need to change myself so that I could become an ideal person in my own views? Finding an answer to this question begins with self-awareness.

Do we need to become Self-aware? Yes, without any doubt.
If you want to use a newly purchased laptop or mobile properly then it is important to know its features.
Similarly, we have received this body and mind for free and if you want to get maximum results in any field by using your physical and mental ability, then you should become self-aware.

First of all, let's tray to know what self-awareness is all about. We can put here in simple words that 'our complete knowledge of ourself'. Here, it is expected to look at ourselves from a 360-degree angle. This means observing our strengths, weaknesses, personality, Maturity of thoughts, likes, dislikes, mental and physical abilities, and some other important aspects.

The biggest hurdle in the path of discovering our inner self is our mindset.
We are developing our mindset since we were young. Recognizing the presence of mindset separately from reality can be counted first step towards becoming self-aware. Why so? taking an example, if we wear glasses of red color on our eyes then the whole world will become red in our perception, similarly, for our mind, these mindsets are like red glasses. Whatever experiences and memories we have fed into our mind, has become rigid now, like, 'I can't draw pictures, I could not learn a new language, racisms exist, gender discrimination is right', etc. Many such negative mindsets are concretely established in our minds which must be removed first. The simplest way to start its removal process is to consciously force yourself to think in opposite direction or have an opposite feeling, for example, telling yourself that you can do something that you believe you cannot or try to give a try to believe that things like racism do not exist. With the little efforts, we can force our self to have an exact opposite feeling or thought for a short time. This method will create a positivity that can lead us to an equilibrium further to which self-observation will become easier.
Once we experience balance thoughts, we can go for self-observation and the simplest way to observe ourselves is to sit in a quiet place in the house and imagine that your energy is being separated from you then it went on a top corner in the house near the ceiling to sit, and, from there she sees you, her viewpoint is neutral. Now you can write down your observations about yourself. All your qualities, weaknesses, strengths, likes, dislikes, attitude, etc. When you completely view yourself from the particular corner, ask the energy to go to another corner of the house and continue to observe again. This exercise may enable you to have a look at yourself from the 360-degree angle. Many Intelligent people discover themselves by doing similar practices. Such introspection will make it easier for you to find your true self from the ​​crowd of thoughts.

No person or external situation can change us, the decision to let external factors affect us is entirely our own, either knowingly or unknowingly. The stable state of mind arises after acquiring complete or nearly complete information about oneself, and that state can be called self-awareness, so by taking full responsibility for our being, now we can move further to the next step to work on strengthening our powers and eliminating our flaws.
We should recognize our strengths and keep on checking that if are we using it fully? For example, if Creative Thinking is your greatest strength, you should check if are you using it in every field, like, are we using creative ways in teaching our children? Are we using such thinking to solve office work-related problems? Are we creatively resolving relationship issues? etc. It is important in life to examine the routine we are living every day and determine if our greatest strengths are being utilized or are we stuck in a stalemate situation and living with mental stress and not using the greatest strength, on receiving a negative answer to this, we can encourage ourselves to utilize most of our strengths in life by making a change in personal, professional and social life. One should also try to minimize his weaknesses, for example, laziness is a more or less common defect found almost in all of us, to eliminating such weakness, one should consciously engage himself in the opposite activities in which one is having his interests, most effective way to do this is to get your self  engaged in an unavoidable situation, for example, to get rid of the laziness of getting up early in the morning, take part in a running competition, join a fitness group, so that the laziness will automatically go away and you will get motivated to wake up early in the morning. This type of formula should be used to eliminate all weaknesses.

Now you are aware and got to know yourself, then you started to work on the strengths and weaknesses, therefore you have started the journey towards experiencing and using self-awareness to live life fullest, knowledge of yourself shows you your true potential that will give you confidence, which is most needed to deal with any situations. Confidence goes up automatically when we recognize our worthiness. Whether you are playing sports like cricket, football, or coping with life events, your self-awareness is more likely to keep you ahead and successful everywhere. Due to self-awareness, you can know what kind of work is beyond your capacity, and knowing your limitations can keep you away from excessive stress by not accepting the work which is based on skills that you have not yet developed. The main cause of stress is to get involved in the activities that are beyond your managing capacity or different from your interest. Sometimes, because of extra enthusiastic nature or unavoidable circumstances and lack of self-awareness you get trapped in such situations. On having a proper sense of self capabilities we learn to say 'NO' and avoid the stress traps.

By becoming fully aware of yourself you achieve clarity in life, the clarity can bring a vision in your life. Further, goals can be set and efforts can be given a direction to achieve the set objectives. Your mental state can go one step further from the state of self-awakening and you can attain a state of stagnation (स्थितप्रज्ञ) to some extent, and with that, you can experience balance and perfection in every walk of life.


  1. Nice one.. .. In this current scenario every one should do this mental exercise to stable himself, his family and Society. ..

  2. Thank you for your words! Happy to know that you got the exact point.

  3. Self awareness is not only the need for today,but always .
    One who has self awareness,w not get lost in the present situation because the mind and heart knows who it is ,what is the behaviour and why is it so .....
    To bring about this balance , self-awareness is essential.
    Good piece.

    1. Absolutely agree! Thanks for sharing your view, your response motivates me.


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