Tuesday 5 May 2020

Unless someone like you cares for the whole world, nothing is going to get better. Quote #TM10

A wonderful painting is made by using many colors, we the humans can paint the future of the world by contributing our smaller share. Each of us has different thought shades but collectively we can create a masterpiece.
Ignoring the power of the efforts taken by an individual can be considered our biggest ignorance.
The society we are living in is a result of impressions left by many individuals. Similarly, our deeds are going to affect the future of the world, let's make sure it makes the world better.


  1. Very true ...well this lockdown period has actually made me realise ...infact, I should say understand the value of things that we have and don't have .
    The beautiful earth has been ruined by us, so we need to mend it .
    Each one of us has brushes to paint. Each one of us has ability to do good.
    We only need to adapt what is now,be practical,so that the survival is better.
    Balance of mind and heart is essential .
    Let's not ignore, but bore in our hearts and minds,. We will ,we will ,. Do it ...

    1. Excellent words madam! We all share the same responsibility towards our planet.
      I am sensing that the job is not easy but not impossible, with the help of the most effective road map we can establish peace, and reverse climate change. We are working on climate change and our findings will be published here soon, together we can stand for the change.


Design the character

You can design the best possible character and take charge of your life. but it takes a considerable amount of work to shift you...